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As the secretary of Carme Ruscalleda seems not going to phone me… I decided to send her a mail to reconfirmate my visit for tomorrow… And now, at 13:52 p.m. she has just answered me!!

Confirmed!! It gets less!!


At 10:40 a.m., do you know who has sent me an e-mail?? Araceli Segarra!!! And yesterday I said that was really strange that she didn’t say anything… But, today, when I have opened my mail, I saw it!!

Unfortunately, she say to me that she is very busy with job and the trainings and that she won’t help me although she had enjoyed the proposition… but now, I have just sent her a mail insisting a bit more and proposing her to meet later (August or September…).

Now I have to wait…

Before going to sleep…

And why not Mercedes Milá?? Tomorrow I will look for some information about her…

Good night!!! 🙂

The big day??

This night I didn’t sleep till 4:00a.m.!!! Yesterday, I was very nervous for the call of the manager of Susanna Griso…

But today is the “BIG DAY”! Or not??

No, today had to be the Big Day because the secretary of Carme Ruscalleda had to call me to confirm my visit… but, she didn’t… Perhaps tomorrow…

At the moment, today I have done all the biography and the questions of Mrs. Margarita Salas and I look to the questions of Carme Ruscallea to prepare myself for Saturday!!!

Tomorrow, we go to Sant Pol!!!!!! 😀


Today, I have gone to the dentist’s… a routine visit… While I was waiting, my mum said: “Do you imagine that when you are in the visit the phone rings and is the Consellera?” Well, then, we went inside the consultation and when I have finished and I was waiting my mum, my mobile phone rung!! The number was fromBarcelona!! I was astonished!! Could it be true?? Was the Consellera phoning me??? I answered the call while I was going outside the room and in my head was sounding the words “We are calling from the Education Department…”, but, really, a masculine voice said to me: “I’m calling on behalf of Susanna Griso”. Then I was really, really, really astonished!!!!!!!!! I was a bit nervous (in fact, a lot…). The masculine voice was her manager who said that Susanna was interested in the interview and ask to me if we could meet in September because she was very busy. I quickly said “YES, OF COURSE” (is Susanna Griso!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Certainly!!). And I said that I could go wherever, evenMadrid… The man was surprised because he didn’t know that I wanted to record the interview, but, as I didn’t have any problem to move anywhere, he said we will talk in September to stay a day.

I’m very happy!!!! I can’t realise that I will interview Susanna Griso, one of the best journalists of our country!!!!! (That’s a big responsibility…).

The title!!

Today I have started the title of the blog, but it’s a bit difficult to try the paper, the letters, the colour… Does it look well? Or not? :S

This week, Anna and I didn’t meet because yesterday my classmates and I went to TV3 as public of the programme “Divendres” and today I have had a history exam… but I’m going on looking for images… and, in deed, photos for the title of the blog (papers, letters, stile…).

International Women’s day

Last year, I did this mosaic for a School’s work, but, as today is the International Women’s Day I want to pay homage to all women in the world.

Uuuuuuuuuuffff…. Smile :)

This last week, I had a lot of exams (Latin, economy, English…)!!! Uuuuuufff…. And we had the “Setmana Blanca” that, although I had holidays, I have been useful to do two visits to 2 schools, one in Salou and another in Cambrils…

Now I’m looking for photos, post-its… to decorate my journal and, meanwhile, when I think in a important woman, I note her name in my list (I have a list since the 28th January where I write the women’s name and the links of their information).

We meet…

Today, I have met with Anna and we agree:

– Meet after the holydays (“Setmana Blanca”)

– Arrange the blog with a beautiful title, some images with Polaroids and more pictures.

– Do my profile (with a photo, information…)

– Explain all the days I do or not something (of my TDR)

We have talk about the questions and we agree that I have to think a bit which questions I would make to the women (with the same base for all to take a conclusion of the interviews).